Monday, May 21, 2012


It's been some time since I last posted on this transfer pricing blog. Much has happened.

A brief recap:
  • I have taught a semester-long graduate seminar on INTERNATIONAL TRANSFER PRICING three times now (Spring 2007, Fall 2010, Fall 2011), with additional classes offered on an occasional basis (e.g., boot camps, short courses, and guest lectures).  I will teach the course again in Fall 2011 to approximately 30 students.
  • In Fall 2010, I started a closed LinkedIn group, TRANSFER PRICING AGGIES, for my current and former students who have interests in transfer pricing, international taxation and related areas such as valuation. The primary purpose of the group is networking across the classes, with former students mentoring incoming students. The number of members crossed the 100-member threshold today.
  • Within Texas A&M, the demand for transfer pricing resources outside of the window when the class actually running led me to set up a non-credit course on the Texas A&M eLearning platform called the TRANSFER PRICING FORUM, where my students can access class resources 12 months of the year.
If you are an undergraduate student looking for an interesting career, do consider coming to Texas A&M and studying transfer pricing with me. You can reach me at My students are typically studying for one of the following degrees at Texas A&M:
  • Masters in Accounting as part of the 5-year combined undergraduate/graduate Professional Program in Accounting (PPA)
  • Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
  • Masters in Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Masters in Agribusiness
  • Masters Program in International Affairs (MPIA), in the International Economics and Development track.
  • Masters in Public Service and Administration.
  • PhD in Economics.

Lorraine Eden (May 21, 2012)